

  • Providing incorrect or inaccurate information for the purpose of misleading others is committing fraud.
  • We are not affiliated or connected with any of the official companies. You should contact your original provider for the official documents.
  • You must be the original owner of the original documents to place an order.
  • All of our documents are designed to be replacement documents for theatrical, practical use, educational or novelty use only.

Replacement Proof of Income Docs

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  • Replacement Proof of Income Docs

At ReplaceYourDocs, we specialise in crafting authentic-looking proof of income documents for novelty purposes. Our ordering and checkout process is streamlined for ease and efficiency, meaning within just a few days, you can have a replica bank statement, a replica payslip, a replacement utility bill, and more - everything you need to show the necessary details about your employer and earnings.

Our range of replacement proof of income documents

Many of our products serve as proof of income. Here’s a few of the novelty documents available from ReplaceYourDocs:


We offer two standard styles for those looking to purchase a payslip online, filled with all relevant information regarding your income over a specific period. Choose between a weekly or monthly payslip – the choice is yours!


Our replica SA302 is a self-assessment tax bill showing earnings reported to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), providing a summary of your income along with other detailed information.

Tax Summary

This novelty tax summary document includes vital information such as the HM Revenue and Customs logo, your name, Tax Reference Number, and a detailed breakdown of income and taxes.


Representing a summary of annual earnings, our P60 document serves as proof of employment and income, mirroring the essential details found in an HMRC P60.

Bank Statements

We provide replica bank statements on a monthly or quarterly basis, showing a detailed account of your balance and transactions, customisable to reflect the desired account type.

Other Documents

Our service also includes other documents including utility bills for gas, water, electricity, and phones, all designed to look like the original documents.

Customising your proof of income

Showing proof of income requires you to provide specific documentation, such as bank statements, pay slips, and tax statements. Our novelty documents can be personalised to include your name, address, dates, and amounts, ensuring they meet your specific needs.

Ordering your replacement documents

To order your replica proof of income documents, simply click on the template you need. If you don't see the design you want, contact us for a custom template. For self-employed individuals, we offer specific options for proof of income as detailed in our FAQ section.

As a prerequisite for ordering, we need you to complete our online form. As the authentic document owner, you’re responsible for providing us with legitimate identity details in order for us to process your order.

Your replacement proof of income documents will be available in digital format and emailed to you within 48 hours of placing your order. Rest assured, your documents will never display the words "sample" or "specimen," maintaining the appearance of an authentic document.

Our commitment to your privacy and discretion

ReplaceYourDocs uses the utmost discretion in our ordering and delivery process, prioritising our customers' privacy. We offer our service solely for producing replacement documents intended for novelty purposes, and it is the customer's responsibility to use their replica documents accordingly. We strongly advise against using them for any illegal purposes.

What else can you do with replica documents?

Our novelty documents can be used for gag gifts, practical jokes, or as authentic-looking props in stage performances, TV shows, or movies. They also serve as invaluable tools for presentations, meetings, or lectures, allowing speakers to avoid sharing personal information while discussing financial topics.

Why choose ReplaceYourDocs

We pride ourselves on providing high-quality replacement or replica proof of income documents that exceed expectations for any educational or entertainment purpose. When you purchase from us, you can be confident in the authenticity and quality of our documents.

Ready to order your proof of income?

Buy replica proof of income documents today